Lowongan Kerja 2024 Plantation Manager Perkebunan HTI Karet
- Lampung
- Rp 7.000.000 - 9.000.000
- 40x dilihat
- Berakhir pada tanggal 30 Jan 2024
- Ditutup
Sungai Budi Group is one of Indonesia's largest conglomerate that manufactures and distributes agricultural-based consumer products. Sungai Budi Group was founded in 1947 and is a pioneer in Indonesia's agribusiness industry. Core businesses of the Sungai Budi Group consist of one of the largest and most fully integrated tapioca starch manufacturer in the world and one of the largest and lowest cost vegetable cooking oil producers in Indonesia. Among others, Sungai Budi Group markets their product under "Rose Brand”, in which over the years has grown to become a household name in Indonesia. Aside from agribusiness, the company is involved in manufacturing, energy, mining, property, hospitality, and many others. Our Company is speard throughout Indonesia, giving a perfect opportunity for Employees to explore and experience the diversity of Indonesia. Our team is over 65,000 people strong and we are always hiring!
Plantation Manager Perkebunan HTI Karet
Syarat :
- Usia 30th -50th
- S1 teknik pertanian/kehutanan
- Pengalaman min 3-5 th sebagai PM di Perkebunan HTI KARET
- Pengalaman min 8-10 th sebagai SEM di Perkebunan HTI KARET
- Bersedia penempatan di seluruh area perkebunan HTI KARET
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan dapat mengelola SDM dengan Baik
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam mengelola perkebunan Karet,
- Sehat rohani dan jasmani
Kirimkan cv anda ke
[email protected]
Subjek : lamaran PM HTI KARET
Note: interview menggunakan Aplikasi Zoom Cloud Meetings
*Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yg mengatasnamakan perusahaan kami, setiap proses recruitment kami tidak memungut biaya apapun (free), jika dikemudian hari dirugikan oleh pihak lain, maka itu diluar dari tanggung jawab kami.*